Firecraker time!

Who is ready for another Aspiring Designer from the Aspiring Designer Challenge on Pattern Revolution? Let me introduce you to Chelsea of Get Your Crap Together. I only recently discovered her patterns when she released the Love Me Knot Shorts. I just fell in love with the look of that pattern and just had to get it! When she put the tester call out for her newest pattern, well I just jumped right on the chance to test it. The uniqueness and cute factor just sold me on it!



Introducing the Firecracker Dress and Tunic!RTC_3483 I think you can just look at the photos and just see the beauty of this. It ranges in sizes 3mo to 12yrs and is made using woven material. As you can see there are two straps on either side of the bodice that go over the shoulder and through a button hole in back which can then be tied in a bow. The pattern also shows a couple other unique ways of tying the straps!  And the tunic length paired with the Love Me Knot Shorts was just perfect. I already have several mamas wanting this same outfit for their little firecrackers!


This was the perfect pattern for my little one’s First Memorial Day outfit so she could sport her red, white, and blue in honor of all the brave men and women that fell to fight for our freedom.


Now I couldn’t just make one. When I first saw this pattern I just knew it was time to cut into my Wee Wander fabric. I think you all know how hard it is to cut into a beautiful fabric such as that. I may have even said a little prayer and rechecked my measurements about a million times right before making the first cut! But once the right pattern comes for it, well it is really a pleasure to finally put a beautiful fabric to use. For this dress I also used vintage lace for the straps. AMAZING!! I just couldn’t be happier with the end result!





Right now till tomorrow this pattern is on sale for $5.95 on Etsy and Craftsy. No coupon needed! You don’t want to miss this one and with the range of sizes, you can so justify picking up another amazing pattern. Don’t forget you can enter the giveaway on the GYCT blog for your chance to win a copy too!





The Baby Maddie!


Who doesn’t love it when you can do a little less work and still create something beautiful? How perhaps use something that you have a million of to repurpose into something great? I had the pleasure of testing the Maddie Dress by {Sig}nature Creations which lets you do just that! This pattern lets you use an existing shirt or tank to create a beautiful dress. It goes step by step to make the skirt part and then shows you how to attach it to the shirt or tank to create the perfect empire waist dress in size 0-6mo to 14! Now I took this one step further and attached it to a onsie. I don’t know about you but I love onsie dresses as it keeps my girl a little more modest as she is crawling or being passed around.


Are you ready to find out how to do this yourself? Here is my first tutorial on my blog! Are you as excited as I am? A few things first.  There are many different ways to attach the skirt to the onsie. You may find that another method works better for you.  One method is to cut the onsie and then sew back together.  I don’t like this method as it shortens the onsie.  I don’t want to lose any length!   I find that this method explained here is the best for me! Also the Maddie pattern is so versatile that you can embellish your skirt anyway you choose! You can even embellish the shirt if you wanted. For this Maddie I decided to attach another ruffle to the top of the skirt. I was trying something new and I think it turned out cute! It does make it a tad more difficult to attach it, but with a little patience it worked out great. I would not recommend it for your first one though! Now on with the tutorial!!

First follow the pattern on how to make your skirt. After you do that you should have two garments: the skirt and the onsie:


RTC_37531. Find your cutting measurement on the chart. I am doing the 6-12mo so my measurement is 2″. Measure down from the arm pit seam on your onsie and mark. Repeat for the other side.

RTC_37542. Draw a line across the onsie connecting both marks you just made. I use a water soluble marker. Repeat for the back too!



3. Make sure the top raw edge of your skirt is finished. I use my serger to do this.


4. Gather your skirt to the width of your onsie.


5. Keep your onsie right side out and turn your skirt wrong side out. Slip the skirt over the top of the onsie so that the right sides should be together and the bottom of your onsie is sticking out like the photo.


6. Pin your gathered serged edge to the line you marked on the onsie. Make sure you line up the side seams of the skirt to the side seams of the onsie!


7. Check your stitch on your machine. I use the “lightening bolt” stitch seen in this photo. If you don’t have this stitch just use another stretch stitch or a zig zag stitch.RTC_3763

8. Sew the skirt to the onsie. You will want to sew right above your serged edge that way when you flip the skirt down you don’t see if from the right side. Also when I sew the skirt to the onsie I like to very gently stretch the onsie as I sew to give it a little extra give! Makes it a little easier to dress a squirming baby!




9. Flip the skirt down and you should have a little dress!! Now if you aren’t doing a sash you are done! If you are doing a sash continue on.



10. Follow the directions on the pattern for making the sash. I like to topstitch my sash. Find the center of your sash and the center on the front of your onsie. Place the sash on top of the onsie/skirt seam lining up the center points. Simply just stitch a couple stitches right over the topstitching on the top and bottom of the sash as indicated by the circles. Alternately you can sew all along the front on top of the topstitching but you might loose some stretch when doing so.




You are done! Now just put your darling dress on your beautiful girl and admire both your amazing creations!!




Meet Sofilantjes!

RTC_1976The Aspiring Designer Challenge is currently running! Have you been keeping up with the posts on Pattern Revolution? You should because there are some really talented new designers!! I got the pleasure of testing for a couple of them too! Today Annemeike of Sofilantjes releases her first pattern. Kind of first anyways, because she does have a free pattern listed on Craftsy! But this is her first official pattern release and it is very exciting to be apart of it! Anyways, she is a Dutch designer that is just bursting with talent. I know I can’t wait to see what her next pattern will be as I loved this one so much!


Here is the Summer Surprise dress and tunic! Wonder what the surprise is? Just look at the back! Isn’t it just darling? RTC_1933This tank style dress is made using knits, and comes in sizes 6mo-7yrs. It also includes pattern pieces for slim sizing too! It features a pleat in the front and a lower back with a bow. It is just so cute and not to mention a quick sew! I want one for myself!


Now you can purchase the pattern HERE (on sale for $6.30 right now!) or head over to her blog to try to win your own copy. Make sure you LIKE Sofilantjes on Facebook so you can continue to see the wonderful new things she has in store for us!



Muse of the Morning Pattern Tour!!!

I just love pattern tours! I love seeing what others come up with, and it just fills me with inspiration! Who’s excited to see what pattern I am doing for the Muse of the Morning pattern tour? I know I am!!  Now this is a little something that I don’t have much experience in. But that just goes to show you that if I can do it, so can you!!!
I would like to introduce you all to Constance. She was made using the Playful Prudence Large Rag Doll Pattern. I realize that you may be thinking, “Why isn’t she named Prudence”? Well, after she was created the name Constance just popped into my head when looking at her.   So Constance it is.
First, let me tell you about the Prudence pattern. This is a lovely pattern that will help you create a special companion  for anyone to treasure! RTC_3042The step-by-step instructions tell you exactly how to create a beautiful rag doll that is approximately 22″ long, has long beautiful hair, face, and a complete outfitRTC_3038 (dress, pinafore, bloomers, and even shoes)! All pattern pieces are digitally drawn and include all markings. It is classed as an intermediate pattern, but I think a confident beginner could tackle it too. The steps are clear, the illustrations are perfect, and there are even little hints and tips along the way! At first I must admit I was intimidated by the hair. Just looking at the listing photos I was thinking, “How the heck do you make that hair and attach it?” RTC_3036Well I didn’t need to worry because it is all written right in the tutorial.  Before you begin I must tell you there is some hand sewing involved too. If you are anything like me you don’t really care for hand sewing. I don’t know many stitches, and have to look up what the stitch is when many patterns reference them. No need to look up here though. There are explanations right there as well.
Now to tell you about Constance! Isn’t she just beautiful?? For her body I used a heavier woven. RTC_3058The only problem with the fabric I chose was that it frayed easily. Next time I would definitely pick something that doesn’t do that. I chose to only make the pinafore (that closes in the back with ribbon) and the bloomers. On all the pattern pieces there are lines that show you where you can add eyelet to really beautify this ensemble.RTC_3051 I chose to only add it to the bloomers though. I also chose to not create a face for her. There is a template for a face, so if drawing isn’t your thing you don’t have to worry about lopsided eyes. I like the simplicity of a blank face though. It lets the imagination run wild! RTC_3025For her hair I used handspun wool I have been hoarding for years. At one point I was going to learn to crochet. Well, let’s just say I don’t have the patience for crocheting. I ended up giving my yarn stash to a friend that actually does crochet. It was pure luck that this yarn didn’t end up in that box too! It is perfect for her hair! I wish I had lovely locks like that….
Think you are ready to take the leap and perhaps make a Prudence, or Constance, or Insert name here doll of your own? Head on over to Chrissy’s website and you can buy your own copy. There is a discount code: BLOGTOUR30 for 30% off all patterns purchased on the website! Code is good till May 17th. Feeling lucky? You can enter the giveaway HERE!
It may just be me, but I think my baby girl may have found her new best friend!!

A little something for me…


Time for a little selfish…em, I mean self care sewing!! Yes, these photos are really of me. Now I don’t usually sew for myself. Why? Well more fabric needed, more time cutting, more of everything really. However on occasion I see a pattern that I just have to sew for myself. So when this testing opportunity popped up I just crossed my fingers that I would be picked as I really wanted this one for me!! Now this pattern was released in a girl’s version a bit ago. I will pretend to hide my sadness that it didn’t come in baby sizes. I fell in love with it then as it was just amazing and look sooo comfy! Are you dying to know what it is yet?  Can you guess by the photo? Alright, alright, I will tell you!


The Ladies Trendy Tunic by Love Notions is releasing Monday! I just love the styling on this top. RTC_1325It is made using knits and comes in sizes XS-XXL. It features cute cap sleeves and even pockets!!! I just love the contrasting front and back. Very flattering I must say. You can even add a little flutter ruffle to your pockets.RTC_1368 RTC_1432Of course I had to because, well, why not?!! After I sewed this up (pretty quickly too) I showed it offRTC_1462 to my mom. She immediately tried it on and tried to steal it on me, before I even took photos!! Good thing we aren’t exactly the same size otherwise I would have been out a shirt! Oh, did I mention Tami also includes instructions if you want to make this a dress. I think I will be trying that soon!


Just as an aside my 6yr old took these photos for me! I think I have a budding little photographer on my hands!
